Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ten copyright myths:

(Bouchoux 129-131)

1: If I attribute the work to the author there can be no infringement.

(coincidentally, posting this list for you to read is copyright infringement)

2: If it`s on the internet it is free for all to use.

3: If i just take a little its ok.

4: If I paraphrase there can be no copyright violation.

5: I can freely play the radio or television at my business for the enjoyment of my customers.

6: Once I own a work I can do anything I want with it.

7: Any nonprofit use is permissible.

8: If its just for me, it`s OK.

9: I didn`t know what I did was wrong, so there can be no violation.

10: I didn`t do it. If something you own is being used to make the copy.

Bouchoux, Deborah E. Protecting Your Company's Intellectual Property. New York, NY: AMACON, 2001.

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